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  • Ryan Mark Mifsud

Empowering Under-performing Employees: Strategies for Unlocking their Potential

As a manager or team leader, you've likely encountered a situation where you have an employee who is nice and well-liked by their colleagues but under-performs in their job role. You may have tried several methods to improve their performance, but nothing seems to work. So, what can you do to turn this situation around? In this blog, we'll discuss six strategies for empowering under-performing employees and unlocking their potential.

Identify the root cause

Before taking any action, it's essential to identify the root cause of the employee's under-performance. It could be due to a lack of clarity about their role, insufficient training, or personal issues that are impacting their work. Take the time to speak with the employee and understand what's holding them back. This will enable you to tailor your approach and support them in the most effective way possible.

Create a clear development plan

Once you've identified the root cause, work with the employee to create a clear development plan. This plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Identify the skills and knowledge the employee needs to develop, set realistic goals, and determine how you'll measure progress.

Provide regular feedback

Regular feedback is essential for employee development, especially for under-performing employees. Ensure you give both positive feedback for things they're doing well and constructive feedback on areas that need improvement. Be specific, timely, and balanced in your feedback. Remember that feedback is a two-way process, and it's essential to listen to the employee's perspective as well.

Provide training and resources

Training and resources can go a long way in helping under-performing employees improve their skills and knowledge. Identify the training courses, workshops, or resources they need to succeed. It could be a technical course, soft skills training, or access to mentoring or coaching.

Offer coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring can be an effective way to support under-performing employees. It allows them to gain insights and guidance from experienced professionals, learn new skills, and gain confidence. Identify the right coach or mentor based on the employee's needs and goals.

Set up a support system

Creating a support system is crucial for under-performing employees. Ensure they have access to the resources they need, provide ongoing feedback and support, and create a safe and supportive environment for them to grow. Encourage them to seek help when needed, and ensure they feel valued and appreciated.

In conclusion, empowering under-performing employees requires a tailored approach that identifies the root cause of their under-performance, creates a clear development plan, provides regular feedback, offers training and resources, offers coaching and mentoring, and sets up a support system. Remember that every employee has the potential to succeed, and it's up to us as leaders to help them unlock that potential.


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